team85 Fitness classes
Zumba Classes
Dance the pounds away with Zumba Classes. Fun packed workout that will have you sweating calories away to the tune of dancing hits.
Get fit and stay fit dancing the pounds away to the rhythm of Zumba Classes at Team85 Fitness and Wellness Center in Bordentown, NJ.
Zumba Classes target lots of different muscle groups at once for total body toning. Boosts your heart health. You not only get aerobic benefits (it really gets your heart rate up), but you also get anaerobic benefits – the kind that helps you maintain a good cardiovascular respiratory system. Helps you de-stress.
Burn calories while having fun at the best exercise class ever with a professional dance fitness instructor from Team85.
- Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness.
- Zumba targets lots of different muscle groups at once for total body toning. Boosts your heart health. You not only get aerobic benefits (it really gets your heart rate up), you also get anaerobic benefits – the kind that help you maintain a good cardiovascular respiratory system. Helps you de-stress.
10 Benefits of Zumba Classes
- Burn Calories and Blast Away Fat.
- Improve Your Coordination.
- Work Out Your Whole Body.
- Get Your Aerobics On.
- Build Anaerobic Endurance.
- Get Addicted to Exercise.
- Zumba Is Appropriate for All Ages.
- Boost Your Confidence.
- Improve Your Mood.
- Get Social.